Modular designs for textile decoration
The modular designs for textile decoration are inspired by Spanish folk dance and regional costumes from different parts of Spain.

The protectors of the meadow
Light box made of paper with five sections corresponding to a short story written by me about the arrival of autumn in a meadow.

Artist book
My artist's book consists of a food tray and its content is typography found in elements of our daily lives.

The burial of the sardine
Model for the realization of a bigger sculpture that is paraded through the streets of Aranjuez in Carnival. It is the tradition to burn it at the end of the parade.

Bread of every day
I come from a family of farmers and ranchers who live in a village in the countryside, with this installation I wanted to pay homage to them.

This installation in which I have used the frottage technique, represents the fears and insecurities that, especially women, have to overcome in their lives.
The Empty Spain
The disappearance of many rural population entities as a consequence of the rural exodus produced by the lack of aid to rural areas by the spanish government
It is an installation of 1,000 individual maps made on white cardboard cards measuring 9.5 cm by 5.5 cm. On the front of each card, there is an aerial view of each of the villages where only 1 person lives in Spain, and on the back, there is a number and its name. I made several tests to decide the final aspect for these drawings, and after trying with black Chinese ink, silver ink, red ballpoint, and graphite, I decided that this last option was the best. There is also a numbered list with the names of each of those villages, made on thermal paper with a black fineliner. It is incomplete since there are many more villages in this situation, and if the situation does not change, the number will increase. I chose this kind of paper because this is the one used for tickets, and the ink that is used is erased little by little and may even disappear, which is a metaphor for the subject I deal with in the project. This is my first free-themed and free-format artistic project, so at first I wasn't sure where to start. I am talking about the rural exodus and the disappearance of villages because it is an issue that affects me directly. I live in a village that, little by little, is becoming empty due to a lack of job opportunities, improvements in living conditions, and government aid. In addition, I chose "The Empty Spain" as the title of my project because this is the real name by which all the villages are grouped together, even though we are totally different and have different needs, problems, and characteristics. That is why I decided to make a card for each of them, writing their names and showing their appearance, to give each one the importance they deserve. Under this name, politicians make promises of improvement that they use as a way to win votes in elections